If you come to Europe you have to know about the local popular sport : football, or as americans say it, soccer.
If you want to understand the european mentality, observing this sport is a great way to get enlightened.
My personal favorite team is the Real Madrid, i like this team and its coach Jose Mourinho, here is why:
Players on the field show a great load of ARROGANCE when they win and when they lose they show ANGER, they're complete HYPOCRITS with the referees, i just love this.
Never a team has showed so many qualities in my opinion. Showing off on the field, assuring the audience some good spectacle.
This kind of behaviour has been initiated by the coach, Mr Jose Mourinho as also known as: THE SPECIAL ONE.
Really, try and see some of his videos on youtube, here's a link with a carefully selected extract: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgX0StRq6zk