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Sport Records Have Reached Their Top?

Sport records have reached their top? Posted 09 October 2008
Some experts believe that the nowadays sportsmen are going to live a boring life in the future. That's because most sport records have reached the peak of human possibilities, and it's beyond the sportsmen to beat them.
What do you think about that?
I mean would it be interesting watching, let's say, atletism, when we'll see nothing new there?
What about the evolution of human being? Maybe every generation is becoming stronger and stronger and thereby he can show more performing results?
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Posted 27 October 2008
The last olympic game in Belging showed very good results. A lot of new world records were set, especially in swimming. I believe the human body is getting stronger as the generations pass, and thus results are becoming stronger as well
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Posted 27 October 2008
Some say that earlier, let's say in early '90 or late '80, football was much more beautiful than it is today. When a sport game evolves, it loses its first classical traits, which is making it not so attractive to football fans.
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Posted 04 November 2008
One thing is true. The records will be happening not as often as wanted. A record is built up basing on the history of the entire sport history, and one man can hardly (but possible) change them.
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Posted 09 November 2008
Every sport, at least once in 10 years, knows a new talent star. This was M. Jordan in basketball, Nadal in tennis, Christiano Ronaldo in football etc.
the years will keep bringing us new stars.
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