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Bodybuilding And Gyms With Freeweights

Bodybuilding and gyms with freeweights Posted 20 March 2011
It has been my experience and others', that there are NO gyms in Paris with free weights (i.e. barbells, bench presses, heavy dumbells, etc) only gyms with machines.

Where do people who are interested in bodybuilding workout?

Thanks for any information/advice?
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Bodybuilding and gyms with freeweights Posted 06 January 2012
I think you should go for workout at home
Push ups are one of the first exercises everyone can easily perform.
this workout is for the chest, triceps and even involve your back and shoulder muscles.
Dips are alternative to developing chest and triceps muscles.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 30
Location: USA

Re: Bodybuilding and gyms with freeweights Posted 06 February 2012
ah, since I've moved to Paris, I have discovered the very good Louvre Gym, which is well equipped with free-weights ... but not for the faint hearted or closed-minded.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

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