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What Triggers Emotions ?

What triggers emotions ? Posted 19 March 2012
Do you know what triggers an emotion like fear ?

Fear can be generated by direct physical danger, in which case the body is in alert and reacts quickly to escape or neutralize the danger.

But Fear... can also be triggered in so many other ways, you just have to be creative. Sometimes, people get fearful for not so compromizing reasons.

-- 19 March 2012 --

I think you can also trigger something like paranoia.

-- 19 March 2012 --

The simple idea of physical danger creates fear, plus you have to know fear is something that people can share. If one person gets fearful, fear spreads in the whole network connected to this person.

-- 19 March 2012 --

People are very worried for children. The simple idea that some threat moves around their children turns them mad.

The protective father hears about it and gets emotional, nervous and angry, ready to do something stupid.

Or... the threat can move around his wife. Gets detected, the husband gets alerted, gets emotional.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: What triggers emotions ? Posted 19 March 2012
I don't know what triggers emotions, but sometimes i'm just losing control, i forget to get to sleep and spend the next day somewhere between here and the clouds up there.

Plus when i get some news for my personal affairs i get excited and enthusiastic and i want to take over the world. Ahh don't pull the trigger
Paris Forums Frequenter
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