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Strangest Ebay Auctions

Strangest ebay auctions Posted 24 November 2008
You may be surprised to hear that an ebayer once decided to sell the entire internet on ebay. The starting bid was 1 million dollars. It could have become the deal of the century if anybody decided to buy this auction. Certainly the buyer would have received nothing.

Detector of extraterrestrial activity. The prototype of this strange device was invented in Brazil. The producers said that the equipment can easily detect a flying soucer if it's flying within a radius of several miles. Was sold for 135 dollars.

The so called sense of life was allegedly discovered by an ebayer and was sold for $3.25.

The scheme of a Russian space ship was once placed on sale in ebay by a Russian company. Believe it or not, it was sold for 25,200 US dollars

A kit for vampire killers beginners - it was an crossbow, arrows with silver arrowheads, a bottle with saint water and surgery instruments. Sold on ebay for 4,550 dollars.

10 freshly-dried human heads brought directly from jungle were placed on sale on ebay. Maximum bid reached $25

Now how about this: an ebayer decided to sell a bottle with ghost. On his listing he posted a story about how he found a box with two bottles. He said one bottle was broken by him and since them, dark forces were after him. Wishing to get rid of the second bottle. He decided to place a listing on ebay. The story was very much liked by people, believe it or not, but the price reached 90 million dollars. Unfortunately nobody knows whether the transaction took place.

Nails of a serial killer were placed on a ebay listing. It was the nails of Roy Norris, who killed in 1979 5 people in California. The nails were sold for 9,99 dollars.

Do you know any other strange things sold on ebay?
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