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Blue-ray Capacity Increased Double

Blue-ray capacity increased double Posted 11 October 2008
The company Sanyo has worked out a new laser which will allow to write four-layer Blu-ray disks. At the moment, Blu-ray disks have only 2 layers.

The power of the new Sanyo laser makes up 450 milliwatt, which is twice stronger than analogical Blu ray devices. Researchers believe that the new invention will allow increasing the capacity of blu-ray disks to 100 GB!!!
Besides, the new laser will write disks at 12x speed. Thus, you will spend only about 10 minutes for burning 100 GB! Looks like one disk will replace a hard disk! It's great, because computer users and programmers will save more money
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Posted 19 October 2008
So let me do a calculation. One song has, on average, 4 MB; 100 GB means 100,000 MB; 100,000/4 = 25,000 songs will fit in only one disk!!!!!!! Amazing!
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Posted 01 November 2008
On sale we already have available BluRay players. They are expensive, though. DVD has no future already. People are getting rid of DVD players.
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Posted 05 November 2008
It seems that an entire hard disk can be replaced by a single disk. That is really amazing. However I don't really trust these bluray CDs. The layers are so thin, that one little scratch will lead to the damage of several GBs of info, which is unforgivable.
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