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Where To Buy Cheap RAM In Paris

Where to buy cheap RAM in Paris Posted 20 February 2008
A 1gig ram chip for a macbook can be had from amazon.fr for about 20 euro. I went to a small computer store the other day, and they wanted 45! Since I need two chips, this price is quite ridiculous. Does anyone know of a near-wholesale price memory outlet in Paris? I would rather buy stuff in person so i can easily bring it back if it's defective. Even if it's slightly more expensive than Amazon, the convenience of location and face to face contact is worth it.

Posted 14 September 2008
I am a regular buyer on Amazon and eBay, and I may say that I have never experienced any issue.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Posted 21 September 2008
Bang & Olufsen, Paris
13, rue Gay Lussac, 75005 Paris
try here
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Posted 25 September 2009
I don't think bang & olufsen sell some computer RAMs.

If you ever need to buy mac related products and don't want to buy online, you have to try Macway (75009), they are the cheapest but as I worked for them I know that they are not very good with after sales service. Or also ICLG, they have several shops in Paris but are more expensive that Macway. Both shops have websites (but i can't post the links here)

Several Appleshops should open soon in Paris (but it won't be the best place where to buy cheap RAM!).

Posted 25 September 2009
Anonymous wrote:I don't think bang & olufsen sell some computer RAMs.

If you ever need to buy mac related products and don't want to buy online, you have to try Macway (75009), they are the cheapest but as I worked for them I know that they are not very good with after sales service. Or also ICLG, they have several shops in Paris but are more expensive that Macway. Both shops have websites (but i can't post the links here)

Several Appleshops should open soon in Paris (but it won't be the best place where to buy cheap RAM!).

I'm sorry I posted as a guest, but that was my message ;)
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 5

Re: Posted 10 January 2011
Elis wrote:I am a regular buyer on Amazon and eBay, and I may say that I have never experienced any issue.

Oh,thanks for your suggestions
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Where To Buy Cheap RAM In Paris Posted 29 August 2013
What about amazon.fr ?
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