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NATO Gives Fights Against Pirates

NATO gives fights against pirates Posted 11 October 2008
The meeting of NATO-countries defense ministers in Budapest adopted a decision to fight commonly against pirates, particularly at Somali waters.
Ships will be accompanied by special vessels in the regions known as subject to pirate attacks. Particularly NATO decided to protect the UNO ships. Pirates attacked UNO ships more than once. The following countries will participate in these actions: Belgium, France, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and UK.
Somalia waters are considered the most dangerous place in the world for ships. In 2008, tens of ships were attacked by pirates.
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Posted 22 October 2008
Pirates are a considerable threat for the ships. It's interesting how modern pirates look like. Are they the same as in pirates movies?
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Re: NATO gives fights against pirates Posted 13 October 2011
hello u all guys :lol:
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 24

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