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ISI vs. CIA Posted 07 May 2011
US Navy Seal’s mission of Osama Bin Laden is if equated to ISI’s failure by any stretch of imagination, still it can’t effect ISI’s world rating, for 9/11 was a gigantic mission, President J F Kennedy’s murder, Lee’s murder, attempt to murder President Ronald Regan & Pearl Harbor’s devastation and there are many others worst scenarios, which went without being noticed by CIA, MI & other more than dozen of western Intelligences Agencies.
Actually US Empire has touched the pinnacle which is the starting point of countdown to go down, when a civilization turns into Vampire!!!
If one millionth of CIA’s budget is provided to ISI it can accomplish miracles, Neocons, Hindus & Jews must remember it!!!
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Re: ISI vs. CIA Posted 27 February 2012
you are right Abisafyan
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