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Are We Upside Down?

Are we upside down? Posted 10 March 2011
Islam & Muslims are suffering from the so called islamists & clergy, for terrorism is the prerequisite to be the credible clergy. Pakistan & Pakistanis are suffering from the so called Pakistan Government & Pakistan Leadership, for plundering is the qualification to rule. Pakhto & Pakhtoons are suffering from the so called pakhtoon leaders & drummers & dancers for they believe that ridiculous vulgarity, weird dress & naswar are roots of Pakhto & Pakhtoons. Muslim World is suffering from their master; the US, for the Muslims heads of states believe that America is the Almighty, instead of Allah Almighty!!!
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Re: Are we upside down? Posted 28 March 2011
You should try to think of the issue with a temporal approach rather than a spiritual one.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Are we upside down? Posted 28 February 2012
Well we must think about it..
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 41

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