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Why Are People So Obsessed With The Bloodlines ?

Why are people so obsessed with the bloodlines ? Posted 01 February 2013
Why are people SO obsessed with the bloodlines ??

To understand the world they live In some people may have to look in their genetic Environment to tell Wether they're caucasian or eurasian or african for example.

I can't conceive myself That all this Planet out There is ruled by the bloodlines Though europeans Seem to be a better working people.

What i ask myself is : " is it all about blood ? " Positive reality shows it's not Because of all the encoding Work that's being done so What's the point about it all ?? And What if there's none ? That would be quite a restful answer...
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Why Are People So Obsessed With The Bloodlines ? Posted 01 February 2013
I think this bloodlines stories are about people understanding their lineage.
Some people may want to know Why they're left handed or if it's only a strategy to sound scary, but it would reveal an ability to Work In a high tech Environment. Anyway, Everyone benefits from this world with this double standards concerning the origins.

I mean, Who Cares if they're africans as long as the game is good??
Or if they're asians as long as the computer works correctly??

-- 01 February 2013 --

Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Why Are People So Obsessed With The Bloodlines ? Posted 27 April 2013
I believe it is a question of identity... People love ideals, things to stick by, guiders in life... A bloodline defines one as belonging to a specific (or several) social group. It gives someone something to be pride about, a heritage to embrace, and mayhap a huge ego. Sure, some bloodlines are 'superior', we cannot deny that, but this just by a marginal probabilitic extent still prone to deviation. Tracking down your entire bloodline gives a sense of history that can be passed down to children and brings one closer to a family that you never got a chance to get to know - it is hence a way to also pay respect to the deceased and be proud about your family. What is wrong is to gloat about one's magnificent bloodline if indeed the case - but using your family history as a means to boost self esteem is greatly theraupetical in some cases and may even display what kind of person you are onto others (ie: multicultural, secluded, niche, and etcetera...).
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Why Are People So Obsessed With The Bloodlines ? Posted 18 August 2013
- Percarus wrote: " It gives someone something to be pride about"
Yep. When someone didn't do anything himself to be proud about:
"Here comes the Bloodlines! The ultimate ego busting instrument... " :)
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