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The Problem Of Evil

The problem of Evil Posted 07 January 2006
The problem of Evil

Before Christ was born there was a Greek by the name of Epicurus (born in 341 BC) who was the first person to recorded to describe the problem of an omnipotent, benevolent God and at the same time there to be evil in the world.

A quote of his on the subject:

"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?"

I remeber long ago reading about why before Christianity that no religion wanted to claim that their God was all powerful and cared anything about the world because of the problem of evil would make the religion not rational to others.

Since it's been around forever Christian scholars have created several agruements as to how an omnipotent God and evil can exist at the same time, however none of them can explain away this problem.

It is kinda funny that an athesist arguement that was created even before Christianity would still be to this day one of the biggest reasons as to why someone would not believe in God.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the subject..

God is a Creator Posted 07 January 2006
What does evil have to do with God?
If God is a Creator, the Creator, CREATOR, then the creation of evil and good is no less of a creation as day and night.
There are 2 ways one can examine this:
1-From a structural point in creation.
2-From the evaluation of Human debate of the Truth.

1-The aspect of God as Creator allows differentiation. We all agree that if all were the same: sameness, then there is nothing different. No creation. We also can agree that if all was different: differentness, then also there could be nothing the same. Again no creation. We can then understand that if we did not have light and darkness then there could be no form. The dynamics of sameness/differentness create the perception of meaningful relations.

2-Human perspective is that mankind experiences value judgements. Each culture has given birth to evaluations, questions, more evaluations, ect. Most of mankind has adjusted cultural beliefs to be Truths. Some of these truths are massive, some are contained. Today, head hunting and cannibalism is banned. Religions claim sanctity to the Truths of God and God's words. In one hundred years in the future, well, God only knows what Truth will be and the evil and good. I am curious to read what history will record about President Bush in this light. I hope he will find this website and another one, Holophany.com. He may change his mind about Good and Evil.

Posted 14 September 2008
I think Evil and God exists, just because of the natural rules of the nature, of balance.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 212

Posted 15 September 2008
God is inside each of us, and we can remove the evil from this world only by removing it from our soul.
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Posted 15 September 2008
Evil is a power just as the God is. God can not fight alone against it, if we don't wish it.
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Posted 28 September 2008
Evil is on earth, God is in the skies
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Posts: 261

Posted 21 October 2008
Elis wrote:Evil is on earth, God is in the skies

God is inside each of us, if you say that, this means evil is inside us. But it's not true. If you do good things this means the God lives inside you, if you don't - it's the evil. Sky is the place where from the God watches you.
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