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Discussing Human Cardinals

discussing human cardinals Posted 15 December 2015
hello, today i have to discuss about human cardinals.
What i mean by human cardinals is the faculty to conceive the given world, and to take action in it.
So let's try to put some order in the question of the human cardinals:

1. You were born in a country, from a father and a mother.

2. you have to go to school to learn, and to discover your environment.

3. You have friends, parents, teachers, you can talk, listen and communicate.

4. you live in an urbanized environment, with constructions roads and cars.

5. You have to get clean and eat everyday.

6. When you grow up you learn how to read and write and count. This is the basic education, to have a higher education you have to go to a university.

7. You have a nationality, you live in a state, there are about 200 states.

8. You talk a language, and there are many languages

9.there are laws, but you have some rights, you are free, but the laws put limits

10. To live in the constructions you have to pay a rent, or buy your own property. you were born poor.

11. If you want accommodations like water, electricity and media access in your home, you have to pay. or become a communist.

12. the day you get active, the night, you rest. You rest in a bedroom, with a bed. And there are also special rooms for eating and cleaning called the kitchen and the bathroom.

13. To get money you have to work and get a salary.

14. Time is divided in millenaries, centuries, decennies, years, months, weeks, days, hours, seconds, you would better have a watch.

15. you need to buy clothes to dress up, you will buy some in shops.

16. You need to have a bank account, with a credit card, to pay.

17. You walk on the ground, in fact it's a planet that turns around a star, the sun. You are attached to the ground because of gravity.

18. There is a map with continents, countries and cities. The parts in blue are covered with water. the lines means that there are borders, with customs...

19. you will learn about religion. Religious people say there is a unique god that created this, that he is akbar in arabic, that you can translate by Beyond.

20. As an adult you will have to manage your house, job and car.

21. you have to get married and have children

22. you have a health, when it goes too down, you die, when it goes up, you're happy.

23. those in charge of the system are called illuminatis, they organise the business and are part of these matrix cardinals.

24. There is a history, and you are in it, at your level.

25. you are free to say what you think, it is a human right (déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme 1789)
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Discussing Human Cardinals Posted 13 May 2016
art, matrix, objects, churches, paris jerusalem cars planes airport usa papers... cigarettes and coffee, what else?
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Discussing Human Cardinals Posted 10 May 2017
1. Birth. Attribution of a social security number. Creation of your birth act, attribution of a name, administrative creation of your identity by the state.
2. Beginning of consciousness, between age 3 or four, discovery of the place your parents live in, first preschool memories. The child plays with basic toys like lego and playmobil, by that time the child walks.
3. Discovery of the routine, daily hygiene and daily meals, along with daily school.
4. Learning of the written local language and basic mathematics, discovery of friendship and love feelings at school.
5. As the child grows up he discovers his first political questions, first by fighting then by intellectual verbal games.
6. As the brain gets bigger, the school programs get more complex
7. The individual learns political discipline and authority in schools, he learns to obey.
8.The individual discovers love affairs has girlfriends and experiences his first sexual games.
9. The person discovers his city, the buildings the streets, public transportation and social discipline.
10. The individual discovers money, first by pocket money, later on by work.
11. The individual gets older and gets his diploma of basic education. He generally decides to apply in a university.
12. By that time the individual is major and knows geography and history, he is resignated to follow history they dictate in the media.
13. The citizen knows since 4 and 6 how to use a television, he watches cartoons then later teen ager programs like 90210 and later the daily political analysis.
14. The person gets a driving license to drive a car, his parents pay him university.
15. In the university programs they teach subtleties of the world, the citizen discovers how complex the state organisation is.
16. After his studies, the person finds a job either in a public administration either in a private enterprise.
17.The person, now an adult marries to a woman and like his parents teaches the daily routine to his children.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

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