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Do You Think That There Is Anything Sad About The Way People Reacted To Paris Going To Jail?

Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I have watched some news stations (Fox), read many blogs and seen so many webistes where people were overjoyed with the fact that Paris is going to jail. I think this mob mentality is a little sad. I am not saying that she shouldn't be punished, but it seems like people are screaming for blood. She didn't kill anyone. The fact is, most people who have commited crimes such as hers or worse, have had much less or NO jail time.

From the Mtv Music awards to the blogs, to the news channels etc. You have all done a great job of making Paris feel alone and hated. Good job, I hope you are all proud.
Basically what I am saying is.. have a little bit of compassion and a heart when someone is going through a misfortune.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
Paris Hilton is an idiot...DESERVES to be in jail, JUST becuase she's rich doesn't mean you can do what normal people can't. SHE DESERVES MORE THAN HOW MANY DAYS SHES GETTING OR WHATEVER.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
i agree 100% percent. many people are happy that she was put in jail. what did she do to anyone? she didnt harm a soul.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I agree with you 100%.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I did have some compassion for her when I heard about the jail sentence. And, I did think the sentence seemed long considering what other people get for far worse crimes.

I lost respect for the system and for her when they let her out early and then she cried all the way back to the jail.

I don't want her to suffer. But, I do think she needs to know the world is not lined with pink satin and cuddly Chihuahua dogs. That it can be tough to be in this world and she needs to be responsible and follow the rules.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
You are correct.
The majority reaction is sickening.
I admire the compassionate Sheriff.
In addition, there are many who feel as you do.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I don't percieve Paris Hilton as someone who has a heart. She is arrogant, rude, and a spoiled brat in the public eye.

I think that is why people hate her even more and probably the reason why everyone was upset that she didn't serve her time.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
No, I don't think it's sad. I think I've had enough of spoiled Paris Hilton. Do I feel sorry for her.? Absolutely not. She has every advantage in this world and seems to live a life style of sleeping, eating and batting her eyelashes. If you feel sorry for her how will you feel when she gets in her car after a few drinks or "tokes" and kills someone? If she has a medical condition, it sounds more mental than physical and certainly shouldn't be driving. The woman is a worthless piece of brown linoleum. Hey, wake up, stupid. There are too many people in this world I REALLY feel sorry for and she isn't one of them and neither are the agree 100% with you.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
Paris Hilton thinks she is ABOVE THE FRIGING LAW<<and she is nothing but a rich brat who did NOTHING to earn her money!!!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
Honestly, It's all about the fact that she is getting preferental treatment because she is rich and (in)famous. Any other every day Joe would have been tossed in the pokey for the first probation violation, not given a second chance. She needs to be treated the same way anyone else would. The judge made a ruling regarding her sentence and someone took it upon himself to change that ruling because she is who she is. The problem is until she is treated like an average person, she and the other "famous for no reason except my daddy is rich" celebs will become happily unproductive members of society.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I do care about people going through misfortune. The problem is, this IS NOT misfortune. This is her breaking the law, and thinking Daddy's money could buy her way out. She thought she was too good for the law, for the system.

She could have killed someone. What if she'd hit and run a 3 year old child while driving drunk? Should we have compassion for that?

The fact that she's upset she has to be in a small room, and going through detox, isn't misfortune, in my book. Misfortune is suffering through no cause of your own.

She did this to herself.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
See, I was happy when Paris Hilton was sent to jail, because truely she does not seem like a nice person, and I couldn't believe when I was told that she gave away her dog because the chihuahua got too heavy. I think she's too spoiled, maybe a little time in jail would be good for her.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
i think she should be punished but i don't think there should be any blood
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
A friend and I were just discussing this today, she feels sorry for Paris and all the hullabaloo too. I said to her , sorry I don't. This woman-child wanted as much pr as she could get. She gave the impression of looking down her nose at the rest of society and thinking she's ' special' because she' s 'HOT' and Paris Hilton.

She likes the pr when she likes the pr, but when is not to her advantage, then she wails it's not fair. Well sweetheart, most of us learned by 8 or 9 life isn't fair and what you dish out you get back in spades. Ill she may be , but she's only going to serve another 18 days more than likely and maybe she'll be a little less ain't I something when she comes out and is humbled and hopefully bettered for the experienced.

As to why the glee many people feel, the old don henley song comes to mind, Dirty Laundry, kick em when they're up, kick em when they're down. Most people like to see the high and haughty get their comeuppance.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
She needs to learn to obey the law and quit driving around drugged up and drunk. That would help a lot.
Its just the whole idea she believes she is above the law because she is rich and has always gotten her way.
She could have killed someone driving down the free way. What makes her less responsible for her actions than anyone else. She snubs her nose at the law.
You are naive and immature to believe she did not deserve what she got. Finally someone laid down the law.
It just goes to prove we are sick of her shinnanigans.
She has done nothing more or less than make herself a laughing stalk and a plain fool.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
I completely agree with what you are saying, true she did something that she should not have done being on probation but that is no reason to find the first tree to hang her. I am sure most people are guilty of some kind of offence "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". amen
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
Everyone in here has said. "It's time Paris sees the real world" Well. I don't know where you people are from. But I don't consider going to jail as the real world. Does that mean a lot of the people in here have been in jail? And that's why Paris should suffer too?
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Do you think that there is anything sad about the way people reacted to Paris going to jail? Posted 30 January 2011
i think that peoples reactions are justified
because of the life she leads,she's a "celebrity" so she has to endure all publicity that includes the negative....as far as people finding her sit. joyful is understandable and respectful,kinda like the guy at work that always boast of all the things they own and how great there life is
and they have it so good...then something doesn't go there way ..and your happy
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

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