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Wireless Computer Connection

Wireless Computer Connection Posted 28 August 2005
Dear Friends,

I'll be coming from the United States of America to Paris with a Windows XP laptop set up for wireless connection here in the States. What will I need to power up and connect wirelessly to the internet in Paris? Also, is the wireless connection different for Windows and Macintosh computers in Paris?

Regards to all,
Jack Owens
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Posts: 7
Location: Porterville, California, U.S.A.

Posted 01 September 2005
Hello Jack!
Welcome to the forums!

I'm not an expert but I think that the wi fi should be the same in Paris as in USA.

Here you can read something about it:
http://www.wi-fihotspotlist.com/browse/ ... 0/p22.html
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Posted 01 September 2005
If your laptop supports the 802.11b WIRELESS PROTOCOL then you should be OK in Paris.
Most WiFi connections in Paris are provided by Orange network and they support this wireless protocol.
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Posts: 9

Posted 14 September 2008
Wi-Fi networks are the same everywhere regardless the country. You'll only need the password to connect to it, or find some free spots.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 261

Posted 24 September 2008
Hi Jack,
you know Europe uses windows as well as USA does. So, what are you worrying about? You should know wi-fi a universal stuff and works everywhere.
Paris Forums Frequenter
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Posted 28 September 2008
The OS doesn't play any role in connecting to the internet
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Posts: 141

Re: Wireless Computer Connection Posted 27 August 2010
I had a bit more information needed
thank offline
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 7

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