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What Is The Cheapest Month To Visit Paris?

what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 29 January 2011
Iam planning to visit Paris,but i can not spend too much money so i'd like the advice when is the best and affordable time to visit Paris without spending too much money yet enjoying the city.
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Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 29 January 2011
the best time is now. you save $1
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Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 29 January 2011
The most likely thing to save money on is the transport there. As you do not say where you are from, it is very hard to advice you a certain mode of transport. (Train, bus, airline and so on.)
But mostly if you book about 3 months in advance you can search for good prices, but the prices will go up with the season. Avoid summer for intercontinental travel if you want cheap, and do not plan to travel at Christmas time and at the start or end of any school holiday. A few days earlier or later often makes a big difference.

Good sites are the ones that compare prices, like Skyscanner or Kayak.

For the actual costs in Paris, you will pay for accommodation. Paris is a popular destination round the year, with city type entertainment round the winter and huge crowds of tourists in summer.
I'd bet on February, March or November to be the cheapest for hotels, but you might find out otherwise if you want to stay near a concert hall that has its season in winter.

A good way to enjoy Paris is to walk and find out the smaller places to eat and drink, off the main boulevards. Paris still has the price structure where you pay most for outside seating, then for inside seating. Standing at the bar your coffee will often be a few cents cheaper again, which can add up.
I would locate a supermarket and get a bottle of drink and find a free to use seat outside and have a drink there, if I was really tight on money.
This is easier if it is less cold, say May up to September.

For eating, go into a small bread shop and buy some nice bread rather than sit down for breakfast, or find a street market for some shopping.

There are many museums in Paris that have a free day, research before you set out, or join in the Paris museum pass. With that pass you will not have to join the long line of people waiting to get in either, so if you want to visit many museums, it will be worth it for that alone.

The Metro is a great system, will get you home from anywhere in town. Tickets are cheaper by the ten, (carnet) and unless you live outside central Paris, a pass is often not cheaper.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 29 January 2011
Winter season is the cheapest time to travel Europe.
Most of the hotels offers low rates and even the airlines.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 29 January 2011
it would be better to go to Paris, France on October and November when there are cheap airfares, as well as in December where there are dirt cheap flights this extends until the end of March.
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Posts: 4

Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 24 February 2011
I will go to Paris at antumn. Wanner see the fallen leaves on NO.5
Oscar Peter
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Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 25 February 2012
I recon winter season is the cheapest time to travel Europe. Most of the hotels offers low rates and even the airlines.
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Re: what is the cheapest month to visit paris? Posted 21 March 2012
i think , December is the cheapest month to visit paris.

u can try it .

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