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What Should I Do Organising A Paris Trip?

What should I do organising a Paris trip? Posted 28 January 2011
At the end of next year I'm planning to organise a trip to Disneyland Paris for my year but I don't know what to sort out like where to stay and what else to do while we're there such as in Paris. Also how to get there, on a ferry which is the quickest way or Eurostar which offers the best service and is much easier to do. Also, what time of year should we go. There will be hopefully around fifteen to thirty school children going.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: What should I do organising a Paris trip? Posted 28 January 2011
Why don't you just BUY any of the GUIDE BOOKS on FRANCE or PARIS or EUROPE and READ THEM? or is that too hard or a concept for you to understand?
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: What should I do organising a Paris trip? Posted 28 January 2011
1. set a budget for the following categories
emergancy(you will never konw what will happen)
2. to do the research of this destinations to find attractions and ask around what people like to go (of course that is appropriate for the children's age)
3. make the time table (believe me you might get carried away)
4. congratulate yourself for doing it
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

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