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What To Include In A Gift Basket To Surprise Wife With A Trip To Paris, France?

What to include in a gift basket to surprise wife with a trip to Paris, France? Posted 28 January 2011
i need items that i can include in a gift basket that i can surprise a client's wife with a trip to Paris, France this Christmas, for example the commercial where a woman unwraps a hot dog in a box and automatically thinks Chicago. I need a bunch of items for a gift basket that i can buy. just want some good ideas.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: What to include in a gift basket to surprise wife with a trip to Paris, France? Posted 28 January 2011
In addition to some flowers and candy I would include Art Museum and Eiffel Tower tickets.

Also a map of Paris with some landmarks highlighted.

Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: What to include in a gift basket to surprise wife with a trip to Paris, France? Posted 28 January 2011
What a great gift!!!!!

I think should look for things that scream France...
like maybe a black beret, eiffle tower key chain, French fries (if you wanted to be funny), croissants, a pictures of France, a mini French flag, a picture of Napoleon (again would be funny), a map of France (check traveling agency's), a French maid costume (something you both can enjoy :) ), wine, banquettes, take a walk around the imports section in your grocery store I'm sure you'll find something...

Have fun in France... Au' Revoir!!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: What to include in a gift basket to surprise wife with a trip to Paris, France? Posted 28 January 2011
If you want to go the kitschy route, fill up the basket with replicas of the Eiffel Tower, Napoleon and Les Invalides. But personally, I'd take a classier approach, and one that's consistent with your 'hot dog/Chicago' approach:

Fill your basket with baguettes, wonderful French cheeses, some pates and rillettes (with accompanying cornichons and moutardes, of course!); and most important, French wine. To add a whimsical touch, perch a black beret on top.

She'll know right away where she's going, and she'll have a lovely lunch to enjoy while she plans her activities in Paris.

Good luck!

Kango Traveler
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: What to include in a gift basket to surprise wife with a trip to Paris, France? Posted 24 February 2011
Your wife will be glad if you bring her the perfume from Paris. That great in Paris and all the women will love a piece of perfect perfume with her. :wink:
Oscar Peter
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