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A Visit To Eiffel Tower

A visit to Eiffel Tower Posted 03 February 2010
If you are in Paris and by the time if you ever get a chance to visit eiffel tower at evening than for the most wonderful views try to be on the tower ( second level is just perfect) at the time of sunset. You'll be able to see for mile and have the opportunity to shoot beautiful photos.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 3

Re: A visit to Eiffel Tower Posted 17 May 2010
Try Altitude 95 on the first floor if your budget is not that deep. :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 55

Re: A visit to Eiffel Tower Posted 31 May 2010
I love the Eiffel tower as well.. the view of it from afar is equally as great when you're in the Eiffel tower as well.. honestly, before i thought it was just a tower.. i never really thought that there are restaurants in the tower! There are quite a few classy restaurants in the tower which offer a great view of the sunset and the city itself! My personal pick would have to be the Le 58 Tour Eiffel. It's calls for the visitor to be a bit dressy but not as dressy as the other restaurants. It's my personal fave because they serve traditional French cuisine, making for a more authentic Paris experience don't you think?? :mrgreen:
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