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Tipping In Paris?

Tipping in Paris? Posted 28 July 2006
I know that many tipping practices are different in Paris than in US.
Is it custom to tip the hotel maids here?
At home I usually leave two dollars a night and wasn't sure what to do in Paris?
Shirley Cheadle
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Posted 31 July 2006
1 to 2 Euros per day is fine
Val Phoenix
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Posted 05 August 2006
But is it customary to tip a bell hop or porter? How about a taxi driver?
Shirley Cheadle
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Posted 07 August 2006
Tipping is one of those '..black holes..' of travel advice...advice goes in...but nothing useful ever comes back out.
Usually there will be 15% automatically added to your check at all restaurants and cafes. If you believe that the service has been good or the waiter has provided exceptional servive, then you can certainly leave more...a few extra coins is most common.
There are NO tips included in taxi or shuttle fares. Some people will tip 1 or 2 €uros to the driver...others 10% of the metered amount (the metered amount--not necesarily the full price of the ride, including regular surcharges for luggage--,90 €/bag--and extra passengers--2,70 € per 4th & 5th). With airport shuttle drivers, 1 €uro per bag is a common enough tip. If you feel the driver has performed some service over and above the call, then more as you deem appropriate.
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Posted 08 August 2006
Taxi driver -- one euro or round up.
Luggage is about 1 Euro per bag for van driver or bell hop
Nicole Smith
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Posted 10 August 2006
Small hotels do not have porters. At deluxe hotels that have porters tip at least 1.50 euro per bag and .75 euro per bag for moderately sized hotels. Taxi drivers may be tipped at 10% of the fare cost.
Shirley Cheadle
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Posted 11 August 2006
I have never tipped a hotel maid in Europe. I thought only Americans did, perhpas it is something new and now people are doing it...
Nicole Smith
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Posted 12 August 2006
OH! I didn't know that the tip is already included... really? Does it happends in all restaurants?
Shirley Cheadle
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Posted 14 August 2006
My French friends told me on my visit to France that you only tip at the restaurant/cabs if the service was EXCEPTIONAL. I've never seen them leaving anything. I know it sounds a bit crazy for Americans, but waiters there have salaries - so you shouldn't feel bad by not tipping.
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Posted 15 August 2006
I've been a waitress in Paris and I was paid either working behind the bar or at the tables, by law everyone is paid in a restaurant or in a bar; waiters don't expect tips, but they are always happy if they get one. Regular Paris people never tip taxidrivers (it's already expensive enough !).
Val Phoenix
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Posted 14 September 2008
Everyone here is expecting tips from tourists
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Posted 24 September 2008
I once was surprised to see a bill in restaurants stating "Tips not included". It's a direct hint!
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Posted 28 September 2008
tulaka wrote:I once was surprised to see a bill in restaurants stating "Tips not included". It's a direct hint!

It is worse if you see TIPS INCLUDED. Maybe you don't want to tip him, maybe it was a terrible service...
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Posted 04 October 2008
By law, service is included in all French restaurants bills and as such, you are not required to pay one centime more and shouldn't if service is poor. However, most people leave a few extra Euros for good service.

Posted 05 October 2008
Hey guest thank you very much for the info.

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Posted 14 October 2008
tips vary from one restaurant to others. Thus, in the center average tips must be twice three times higher than in any other place in the city. The restaurants near the Eiffel Tower are the most expensive.
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Posted 22 October 2008
Are French tips similar as Spanish ones?
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Posted 22 October 2008
If you've ever been to Spain, then you know that leaving tips is an offensive act. You should pay not more than your check shows.
France is totally different, what exactly do you wanna know? In restaurants, hotels, taxi or where?
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Posted 16 November 2008
Tipping can be a bit tricky in Paris for tourists. That's because there is nothing called "tipping" in Paris. It is called "service". And service is included usually in your hotel rate and in your restaurant prices.

In regards to restaurants, if the service is included the menu will have clearly written on it "Service compris" meaning that service is included and it's usually 15% of the tab. But local custom is that if you are very satisfied with your waiter's service then you may leave a few spare change in addition.

The tricky part is when a patron asks the waiter if the tip is included in the total and the waiter will say "no". That's because it's true, there is no tip so he will say "no". Then upon hearing that the patron will leave a tip of 15%.
Recall that the service of 15% is included already in the total so the service plus additional tip will have come up to 30%!

So don't ask if the "tip" is included-ask instead if "service" is included. If yes, then no need to leave anything unless you are very happy and satisified with your server; in that case leave some loose change or so in addition.
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Posted 24 February 2009
Use this policy - I find it amazingly helpful: don't tip, ever, in France. Just say 'merci.' That usually does the job.
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Posted 24 February 2009
Use this policy - I find it amazingly helpful: don't tip, ever, in France. Just say 'merci.' That usually does the job.
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Posted 24 February 2009
Use this policy - I find it amazingly helpful: don't tip, ever, in France. Just say 'merci.' That usually does the job.
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Re: Tipping in Paris? Posted 10 June 2010
Hey there Shirley! In my opinion, there are no set rules for when or where or how much to tip.. it should come out naturally.. if you were pleased with their services or if they were very helpful or courteous then i think you should leave a tip.. that's how i base my decision to tip or not.. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tipping in Paris? Posted 11 June 2010
In Paris, be reminded that in various cafes and restaurants, the waiter charge for his service is already included. But you can always round up the bill and leave your change if you wish. It is also similar to Taxis in the city. When it comes to the expensive hotels, a tip of 1 Euro to 1.5 Euro for each luggage is okay but is not required.

-- 11 June 2010 --

When tipping in different places in Paris, be sure to tip only those who deserves it. It is your own choice, you can always give tip if you want or not if you don't want.
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