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Superstitions In Your Country

Superstitions in your country Posted 01 December 2008
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Superstitions in different countries

Postby Terry on Today, 02:30
Each culture knows its own superstitions, regardless of whether it is American, European or African. Let's post here what we know about superstitions in your country.
Here's what I know:

In Greece, people use to carry in their wallet a little bone of a bat, since it's believed to protect from the evil eye. Every typical Greek house has a cactus growing near its door - it saves from troubles. Any Greek knows that if he sneezes, somebody thinks about him.

In UK it is believed that you would be lucky if you meet a black cat. Unlucky are those who break a mirror, see a crow. Not one Englishman will open his umbrella near the door or will put his new shoes on the table.

Any Irish knows that a werewolf is afraid of water. The Irish place metals on high levels. Blacksmithers are respected, since they are considered to dispose of bad spirits and diseases.

Italians think you're lucky to hear a cat sneezing. It's not good if a bird enters through your window. If an Italian sees a nun, he will seek to touch a metal, so that the luck doesn't leave him.

In China broom is given a special attention. They believe each broom has inside a spirit, that's why you have to use it carefully. Hitting someone with a broom means a curse. Number 8 is the lucky number for the Chinese. Number 1 means loneliness.

Japanese are afraid to be photoed in three. The one from the middle is expected to die. For avoiding misfortune, Japanese will not talk to man who talks while sleeping.
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