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RATP Treasure

RATP treasure Posted 26 January 2012
Last October my wife and I visited Paris and purchased 3 day Visite tickets. On one of our first journeys on a RATP train, the machine somehow 'swapped' my ticket for a normal single use one. This only became obvious to me when the next machine refused me entry! A subsequent attempt to get a replacement at a ticket booth met only rudeness and derision! Anyways, I bought a new one and put it down to life's tapestry of experiences.
Upon return to UK I was minded to send a rude email of complaint but could not find a contact (turns out they only have them on the French pages). I did find a snail mail address and for the first time in many years I wrote a (polite) letter of complaint. Several weeks later (It WAS over the Xmas holiday) I received a charming letter from a Jocelyne Munier complete with a bag of 'goodies'. Whilst not accepting that it was possible for the machine to do what it did - she did offer me a full refund which of course I accepted.
I have this lovely image of a little old lady stuck in a corner somewhere of the corporate HQ (she has the most fantastically flowery signature I have ever seen) and it is such a pleasure to report such nice person is still allowed to exist.
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