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Is It Possible To Fit 3 Weeks Worth Of Clothes Into A Backpack? I'm Going To Paris?

Is it possible to fit 3 weeks worth of clothes into a backpack? I'm going to Paris? Posted 30 January 2011
I'm going to Paris for 3 weeks. I'm a girl and I usually wear so many clothes! Besides bringing clothes for everyday walking and sight-seeing, I also need to bring a few formal pieces and heels for going to restaurants. Not to forget my laptop and all the normal travel stuff. Will I be able to fit them all into a backpack or should I just bring a suitcase?
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Posts: 3

Re: Is it possible to fit 3 weeks worth of clothes into a backpack? I'm going to Paris? Posted 30 January 2011
Bring the suitcase and stuff the backpack in it. If you are settling down for a day or have some place to stash the suitcase, you may trek somewhere for a day or two and need some extra clothes. I doubt you could stuff 3 weeks of clothes into a backpack - even if we talk enough just to wear a couple days then rewash. I mean we're still talking about shoes and things like that.

Anyway, have fun!
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Is it possible to fit 3 weeks worth of clothes into a backpack? I'm going to Paris? Posted 30 January 2011
you will never be able to no matter what . anyhow you are going to paris which means that you will need extra space to fit allt the shopping you will do
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Posts: 1

Re: Is it possible to fit 3 weeks worth of clothes into a backpack? I'm going to Paris? Posted 30 January 2011
It will have to be a huge back pack, but it can be done. Don't use a standard backpack - use one specific for traveling across Europe. For a 3 week trip, I generally will only bring 2 pair of pants and the rest all shirts. If you are staying somewhere that has laundry facilities, it makes it that much easier. If you simplify and minimilize, you should have room left over for your formal wear and laptop. Although I would put my laptop in a seperate carry case and not with luggage.
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Posts: 1

Re: Is it possible to fit 3 weeks worth of clothes into a backpack? I'm going to Paris? Posted 15 April 2012
I'm actually debating about bringing a backpack vs. a suitcase on my month-long trip to Paris this summer...any suggestions? For the first 4 weeks I will be staying in one place, but after that I'll be traveling through the British Isles. My concern with bringing a suitcase is having to haul it through train and metro stations...what do you guys think?

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