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Paris In September...what To Wear?

Paris in September...what to wear? Posted 25 October 2005
I am leaving in one week for several days in Paris, and of course, will be doing a lot of walking. I have bad feet, so I am limited on what kind of shoes to wear, although, I only plan to wear running shoes, during the day, when touring around. I want to know, if this is a terrible idea? I do not wish to be a target, but also, think I wear what looks nice, and nothing tacky like white tennis shoes with dark blue jeans. I have some very upscale track suits, but I am hot natured, and I am afraid I will still be too warm during the day for these. Any advice one what to pack or wear, would be appreciated.

I have read thru the forum, and look forward to being able to give advice later with you all, once I have come back from my own trip.

Posted 13 March 2006
Running shoes should be ok..
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Posted 14 September 2008
Upscale track suits draw a lot of attention by rule.
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Posted 24 September 2008
wear sandals to avoid sweating
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Posted 28 September 2008
Mount a fan on each sandal for maximum effect and don't stop running :)
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Re: Paris in September...what to wear? Posted 02 December 2010
Don't forget a sweater, it may be chilly at night.
Paris on Demand
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Re: Paris in September...what to wear? Posted 10 April 2012
...and of course, be ready for possible rain as well.
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