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Paris Metro

Paris Metro Posted 22 January 2012
Greetings from the USA,

We have rented an apartment on ru de Bellefond in
the 9th district (on the border of the 2nd) for our
10 night stay in September.

If I have it looked up right, the nearest metro
station would be Poissonniere which again if I
did read it correctly, is part of line 7.

Where can I get a schedule for line 7 we can look
at to see how we would get back and forth to the
apartment from central Paris?

I also understand the the Gard du Nord Train Station
is also close by our street: rue de Bellefond.
Is that the main station in Paris, and about how far
away from our street is it?

Any help would be appreciated ....

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Al and Mary / USA
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Re: Paris Metro Posted 24 January 2012

for information on metro times, try the RATP website (ratp.fr). They have a very good english section

Gare Du Nord is the station for RER trains arriving from Charles de Gaulle airport, as well as Eurostar from London or Brussels.

There are several metro lines running through Gare Du Nord.

Looking at Google Earth, I would say you would be about a 10 minute walk away from Gare Du Nord.

Hope that helps

Nigel T
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Re: Paris Metro Posted 12 February 2012
Hello all!

This summer I'll be spending a month studying abroad in Paris (yay!), and I'm wondering if anyone knows the best way to do the metro for an extended period of time. Is there anything like a month-long pass?

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Re: Paris Metro Posted 12 February 2012
Yes it's sure, Paris is à great city to visit, if You want there are some tourist guides that can show me, but You have to pay with the money. last joke

Problem is thé guides Can be really annoying sometimes, It sounds like they have some file that they havé to follow to show You thé city, It can be very boring sometimes.

I guess thé ones Who wrote Those files are laughing out loud to see people like me taking them all In thé face.

Thé guides are funny sometimes but It sounds like they want to Take me In some architectural movements war i don't give à shit to.

Anyway It Seems You cannot trust Any tourist agency so

If You had some problem with à tourist guide it's better to confront him directly rather than to call thé police, they're inoffensive And thé police can be à little too hard on them.
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Re: Paris Metro Posted 28 February 2012
Tips for Riding the Paris Metro, Bus and Tramway System With Ease:-The Paris metro is easy to get the hang of if you come armed with the right information. Here are some tips to help you navigate Paris public transport like a local (and avoid unnecessary frustration and claustrophobia).

1. Get yourself a metro map.
2. Avoid riding the metro or RER (express trains) at rush hour.
3. Metro lines 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, and 13 are generally the most overcrowded lines,
4. Metro lines 6 and 2 run above-ground much of the way, sometimes offering impressive views of the city.

hotel davenport
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Re: Paris Metro Posted 15 May 2012
Paris has one of the densest metro networks in the world.The Paris Metro consists of 300 stations on 16 lines.The Metro runs from 05:30 till 00:40 (5:30am - 12:40am) Sunday thru Thursday and 05:30 - 01:40 on Fridays, Saturdays and on days before a holiday.

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Re: Paris Metro Posted 20 March 2014
The Paris metro is easy to get the hang of if you come armed with the right information. The Paris Metro consists of 300 stations on 16 lines covering the 10x10km area of central Paris. He Paris Metro runs from roughly 05:30 till 00:40 (5:30am – 12:40am) Sunday thru Thursday and 05:30 –01:40 on Fridays, Saturdays and on days before a holiday. Frequency between most trains range from 2 minutes during rush hour up to 8-10 minutes during off
hours, holidays, and Sundays.

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