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Fun Things To Do In Paris

Fun things to do in Paris Posted 14 June 2010
If you hear the word Paris, the first thing that comes in to mind is the Eiffel Tower. However, did you know that there are other things that tourists, like you and me, can do in this wonderful city?

For example, you can actually come and visit Paris during Valentine's day. The people within the city, even without the magnificent tower, are enough to make you weak on your knees and fall in love. I went to Paris last Valentine's day, and boy was I blown away with how much love one can feel around the city. It is actually enough to either make you fall in love again if you are single, or love your partner even more if you are hitched.

One other annual event you will find very interesting is the French open. I am not much of a tennis fan but whenever I see those people play, I am absurdly entertained.

There are just so much to do in Paris and I wish I can say them all in one post. How do you think I should spend my next Paris trip? Suggestions anyone? :D
Paris forums Member
Posts: 127

Re: Fun things to do in Paris Posted 17 June 2010
Bastille Day in Paris which is on July 14th of the year is another experience that should not be missed. It is the time where Parisians commemorate the storming of the Bastille. You will surely enjoy the breathtaking fireworks display and other minor activities there.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 55

Re: Fun things to do in Paris Posted 13 July 2010
A friend just took my to a cute little private lane "rue des fleurs" that's in the 17th near Guy Moquet, it's a trafficless lane with old hôtels particuliers, very pretty.
Have you walked along Le canal de l'ourq? place are being gentrified and it's quite interesting. We had a drink in a café overlooking the canal. Le parc de la Villette is also quite interesting.
Le parc Montsouris is also great I go there for chinese gym exercises.
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