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French TGV

French TGV Posted 02 July 2012
the french train tgv that means "train à grande vitesse" is a train that is built to be more faster than the usual train.

There is a strong demand for quick train in France right now and I’m afraid the train providers are not quick enough. I love to take the French TGV because they have a bar and i can drink

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Re: French TGV Posted 05 December 2012
I also like to travel to different places . Fast trains are always my choice because i can't travel for a lot of time so i only use fast trains for my travel.
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Posted 30 August 2013
Are these French TGV trains faster then maglev trains?
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Re: French TGV Posted 31 August 2013
Lili wrote:
Are these French TGV trains faster then maglev trains?
TGV track construction is similar to that of normal railway lines, but with a few key differences. The radii of curves are larger so that trains can traverse them at higher speeds without increasing the centripetal acceleration felt by passengers. The radii of LGV curves have historically been greater than 4 km (2.5 mi). New lines have minimum radii of 7 km (4.3 mi) to allow for future increases in speed.

Max speed of TGV is 220 km/h (137 mph)While maglev trains can attain speeds > 500km/h
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