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Is It Cheap In Paris?

is it cheap in paris? Posted 02 January 2011
will it cost me a lot to enjoy paris? let me know your thoughts
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Posts: 25

Re: is it cheap in paris? Posted 18 January 2011
Depends on where you're coming from. Compared to many other major cities in Europe, Paris is expensive. It's over 2 Euros a ride on the metro, and a beer is around 4 Euros, to give you an idea. There are always ways to do things cheaply, go to museums/galleries with your student / artist discount, buy and cook your food from the grocery store, or check out the Luxembourg Gardens which is a beautiful site in the Latin Quarter. I do think the beauty of Paris, more than anything, is just walking around and taking a coffee somewhere, which is cheap!
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Re: is it cheap in paris? Posted 02 April 2012
no . it is very costly .

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