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Anybody Have Any Tips For Travelling In Paris And Barcelona?

Anybody have any tips for travelling in Paris and Barcelona? Posted 28 January 2011
I'm off to Paris and Barcelona for my 18th birthday with a bunch of people from school. I was just wondering if you guys had any information that would be good to know about travelling in these two cities, such as what to pack, how much money to bring, where to eat, how much money to take etc, etc.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Anybody have any tips for travelling in Paris and Barcelona? Posted 28 January 2011
stay in las ramblas in barcelona,magnifique
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: Anybody have any tips for travelling in Paris and Barcelona? Posted 28 January 2011
Before going to Paris, learn about how to use the subway system and bus system. My wife and I did so and we sure don't regret it. We covered quite a bit of ground in just three days because of Paris' great public transportation system.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

Re: Anybody have any tips for travelling in Paris and Barcelona? Posted 28 January 2011
I lived i Paris six years.. and have traveled all over Spain to include Barcelona. Paris is expensive. Eat in those places where tourists do not go. Stay in pensions rather than hotels.. They do exist. Travelllin WITHIN Paris.. get a METRO map.. they are all over and travel by METRO(the underline rail system) It is EASY and you can go anyplace with the Metro. There are always people to help you.. but of course.. KEEP YOUR GUARD UP at all times. Going to Barcelona.. By train down thru the Pyrenne Mountains and there.. eat at places not frequented by tourists as they are the most expensive and AT YOUR age, stay at Pensions... NOT the expensive hotels.. Pensions are more fun anyway and you can meet lots of people who are travelling as you are. How much money? Travellers checks of course or ATM cards.. Most of the ATM machines (though they charge a small charge for use) use most of the companies that we have here in the U.S.... I can think of one and that is CIRRUS.. there are others. Do not carry a lot of cash for obvious reasons. Do not take Discover card as it is not accepted.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 1

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