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Am I Wrong To Fall In Love With A Married Man?

Am I wrong to fall in love with a married man? Posted 12 July 2007
Any ladies out there facing this problems?

Kindly advice..
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Posted 13 July 2007
whoa..short and to the point huh? well society would not accept it, but there are always instances like an affair that happens. if you are feeling for a man that is taken, that would be likely. it happens as commonly today as breaking a leg. i would say that it isn't wrong, but if he were to act upon returning the feelings while he is still marriage, i think that isn't right. raverboy
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Posted 16 July 2007
being in love with a married man - i don't think that wrong per say. you might question your moral as to why you started paying attention to a married man in the first place.

i would say it gets wrong when you act upon your attraction. or he does. then it gets wrong - marriage is sacred. once he's divorced - do all you want; but until then - off limits!
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Posted 17 July 2007
love is never wrong. but situations make it wrong. love in its purest sense is good and noble. and true love lasts. anything less isn't.
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Posted 18 July 2007
My friends asked me to leave that guy but I just couldn't help thinking of him... I am very confused now....
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Posted 19 July 2007
how does he feel about things... you're post are very brief so it's hard to get a good sense of your situation. raverboy
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Posted 03 May 2008
A few thoughts for you to ponder- "Can you imagine what his wife would feel if she found out? What if you were that wife? How would you feel? Do you think he wouldn't do this to you if he was married to you?"
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Posted 03 May 2008

I am in this situation. However, I haven't said anything to him yet. We share a small office and it's already really uncomfortable with out telling him that I am totally attacted to him. I met his wife too and I have to tell you that was so hard! I am attracted to him, I have no idea if I will ever say anything. He flirts with me, and I can deal with that but what if things don't plan out? What if she found out? i would feel awful. But i can't help my feelings. Sorry I don't have great advice but it sure is good to know that i am not the only one! :)
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Posted 03 May 2008
hehe thats what im going through too.. see my last post.. mines a little more complicated and in detail though...

what ever happens good luck, follow your heart, and try hard to not get hurt

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Posted 03 May 2008
Thanks, you do the same! :)
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Posted 03 May 2008
Hey ParisFashion,

No, I don't think it's wrong. Obviously he gave some impressive or did something to make you feel this way. It just doesn't happent that easily. Don't think you're the first one that this has happened to. This happens everyday and don't think you should feel guilty because of it.

Love is a basic human emotion. Married or not, this happens.
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Posted 03 May 2008
I honestly could never understand this one. Why women would set themselves up for emotional angst is beyond me. Yeah love happens, and sometimes things do work out, but women give pieces of their hearts away each time and I feel its just not worth it unless the man is available...i.e. unmarried/divorced.

Just my 2cents.
Nicole Smith
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Posted 03 May 2008

I can say that Sue and I are the result of such a relationship... She was married, her husband left her in America and moved to brittain.

However, I feel there were certain mitigating circumstances that allowed Sue and I to work.

The first and foremost of these: Her husband mistreated her, and did not understand her.

The second: he was her first love, her first sexual encounter, and her first kiss.

Now, this meant that she really did not have a good reason to remain in the marriage which only lasted one year. Things have been rough between me and her lately, but I don't regret for a moment that I fell in love with her. I do regret that we let our passion get the better of us, and didn't wait until after the divorce to get together (which is unfortunately still in progress).
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Posted 03 May 2008
Um sekopunt_pr...am I just being a little slow on processing information today, but are you a man or a woman?
Bill Mortensen
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Posted 03 May 2008
No, you're not wrong to fall in love with a married man. That happens and situations change accordingly.

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Posted 03 May 2008
You shouldn't feel guilty about what you feel, no one should since feelings cant be controlled, but I say you should proceed with caution, I have a friend that were in a similar situation and didn't have a happy ending... not at all.
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Posted 03 May 2008
Sometimes it seems like the heart has its own mind - it decides for itself. Strong emotions overtake us and we are plunged deep into the ocean of uncertainty and vulnerability. Despite reality, we fall in love.

Being in love with someone who is still married isn't easy at all. If you love this person so much, you intend to stay in the relationship no matter what. But the saddest part is, no matter how strong your feelings are, it gets consumed one way or the other IF it is not reciprocated the same way. What I'm saying is, if you love this guy so much, he should love you enough to make a choice: you or his wife. It's just not fair you know :sad:
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