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When Do I Say Those Three Words?

When do I say those three words? Posted 03 May 2008
So I've got a girlfriend... we've been together for only 12 days now, but it's unreal how much I like her. I'm 18 years old and she's 16 (she'll be 17 in November). We were friends before we were together, so I've known her for a few months... but yeah, we've been together for only 12 days.

But I'm in love with her. I know teenagers these days rush into relationships and throw the words "I LOVE YOU" around like they don't mean anything. But I really do mean them... I'm in love with this girl and I truly do love her.

My dilema? Do I tell her right away? I don't want to seem like I'm rushing anything. I mean, we both like each other a whole lot. She thinks I'm the greatest guy in the World and she tells me she never wants to lose me, saying I'm "too good to be true." I feel about her the same way, if not perhaps a bit stronger... she makes me incredibly happy and I never thought I'd fall so in love at such a young age, but it happened.

So do I tel her now? Or should I wait? Because I'm not sure if I could wait... I really do want to tell her. BUT, her birthday is coming up in November... I was thinking it would be a decent idea to tell her that I love her on her birthday. But I'm not sure... that's why I'm asking for some advice with this.

What should I do? Tell her now? Wait a bit? Wait until her birthday? HELP!!!!~!

Thanks in advance.
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Posted 03 May 2008
i hate to tell this because you think that you're in love but the fact of the matter is that you're not really in love. the two of you are lusting for one another. yes the relationship will seem perfect but that is only because you don't pay attention to the wrong that the other person might possess. in other words...i would say that why rush saying i love you? if you really are in love, you could wait the rest of your life to tell her that you love her because she would be able to see if from your actions that you love her. words mean nothing if you can't show them by your actions. raverboy
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Posted 03 May 2008
I definately think you should wait a while. I'm 19, and I know if someone I was dating told me they loved me after 12 days (or even a couple months), I wouldn't think they were serious. The longer you wait, the more she'll know that you're serious about it and what you're feeling is real. Plus, it will give you time to make sure that you really are in love. Good luck!
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Posted 04 May 2008
I think saying that three words is hard if your really meant you say! If you really love someone, think of it first because, sometimes you think that your love is real but later on, you'll realize that it's not! You know when you, say it, mean it!;)
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