Hi, all.
I'm 21/M and I've never been in a romantic relationship. Heck, I'd never been on an actual date until last week. Thursday I went out with a woman I met through an Internet personal, and I think we really hit it off. We're probably gonna go out a little later this week. My question is this: how soon should I share my inexperience?
I know it's "risky" to discuss prior relationships, but what if I don't have any to discuss? I'm a very honest person, and I don't want her to feel deceived if it comes up later, but I also don't want to scare her off or seem desperate by bringing it up. How long should I wait? My instinct is not to bring it up until we've been dating a while, but to be honest if the subject comes up. On the other hand, maybe if she knew, she'd have a better idea of why so many moments seem to be awkward that shouldn't be.