haha, trust me, the hardest part is always to start up the conversation. before you talk to him, you feel your stomach start to tensen up, your hearts starts to beat faster and your palms start to sweat. this is just showing you that you're becomming nervous. honestly you have nothing to worry about because i doubt this this guy is a total dick. why would you chase someone like that right? given that he seems sincere, he's likely not to ignore you. reguardless of what you talk to him about, he'll respond to your questions. just walk up to him and start talking about anything. ask him what he's into or what he likes to do. tell him that you noticed him around school and you would like to get to know him better. most guys are flattered when a girl comes up to them because it doesn't happen everyday. just that would make his day and it will also makes yours because you finally had the balls to talk to him. once you start up the conversation, you'll find it a lot easy to talk to him...it's just trying to get started.