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Please Help!!!!!!!!

Please Help!!!!!!!! Posted 03 May 2008

Hi Everyone

Okay, I need some advice...You see, There is this guy I have a crush on and would like to ask him out, but I don't know what to do..my friends have been telling me to go for it and flirt, but I'm so terrified as to what he might think of say

Please Help
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Posted 03 May 2008
haha, trust me, the hardest part is always to start up the conversation. before you talk to him, you feel your stomach start to tensen up, your hearts starts to beat faster and your palms start to sweat. this is just showing you that you're becomming nervous. honestly you have nothing to worry about because i doubt this this guy is a total dick. why would you chase someone like that right? given that he seems sincere, he's likely not to ignore you. reguardless of what you talk to him about, he'll respond to your questions. just walk up to him and start talking about anything. ask him what he's into or what he likes to do. tell him that you noticed him around school and you would like to get to know him better. most guys are flattered when a girl comes up to them because it doesn't happen everyday. just that would make his day and it will also makes yours because you finally had the balls to talk to him. once you start up the conversation, you'll find it a lot easy to talk to him...it's just trying to get started. raverboy
Bill Mortensen
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Posted 03 May 2008
blueangel, i know exactly what you're going through. i've had numerous crushes and am still terrified of asking guys to go hang out. is this guy in your class? if he is, it's often easier to start a conversation because the two of you already have something to talk about. when i had a crush on a guy in one of my classes, i tried to talk to him as much as i could without being too obvious...although I think i was LoL anyway, i kind of made it a usual thing to walk with him to his next class after the one we had together. one day i had the courage to ask him to lunch and he ended up saying okay. it's not as though you're asking the guy to marry you, so just remember that! just asking him to shoot pool or go to lunch isn't a big thing and i'm sure he'll appreciate being asked out...i mean, how often does that happen with guys? LoL 8)
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Posted 04 May 2008
personally i prefer to cut to the chase. most of the girls that i talk to are outside of my class, or if they are in my class, it's usually a big lecture so i will rarely see them outside of class. i feel that cutting to the chase doesn't waste time, but if he's in your class, you better play it safe. raverboy
Bill Mortensen
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Posted 03 September 2008
Vertihvostka, you are a girl. Never do the first step. I mean you can flirt a little, but wait until he invites you for a date.
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Posted 05 September 2008
you are right tulaka, if she makes the first step, he will control her in future and she will never keep the situation under control
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Posted 09 September 2008
still, I am not surprised of hearing such things. I remember times when we, boys, didn't know how to make the first step, now it's vice versa.
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Posted 12 September 2008
BoyZ!!! don't lose you men spirit, please. In the 21st century men began to behave girlish! You think that's OK?
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Posted 13 September 2008
Personally I don't like to be treated like that by girls, because i like to make the decisions and choice.
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Posted 17 September 2008
that's good for you planetman. Unfortunately not too many think the same as you do. Tell that to your friends!
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Posted 28 September 2008
Maximus wrote:you are right tulaka, if she makes the first step, he will control her in future and she will never keep the situation under control

Actually there are no written rules for this, so it mainly depends on each situation and each person
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Posted 29 September 2008
mixi, imagine a girl working and making money in the family, while the man stays home and watches TV. It's the same situaiton.
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Posted 29 September 2008
I prefer for both him and she be independent, in spite o mariage. this will keep their relation stable
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Posted 29 September 2008
don't you think that sometimes dependence on something makes a couple really fall in love. The first love might be a fake one, further it develops into a stronger one.
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Posted 29 September 2008
you're talking like a writer. There is a book: The Prokust's bed

The narator tells: first you start to love because you feel sorry for that person, and then the real love it comes.
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Posted 19 October 2008
Elis wrote:you're talking like a writer. There is a book: The Prokust's bed

The narator tells: first you start to love because you feel sorry for that person, and then the real love it comes.

very smart words, I should admit, because it's true. Affection or sorrow easily converts into love. This conversion is occuring so invisibly that when you fall in love, you don't even realize that.
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Posted 26 October 2008
Being a girl means having a lot of power. So, men are just our puppets, to whom we can do whatever we want :D
A nice, easy dress is our weapon.
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