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Most Popular Reasons Why Men Leave Women

Most popular reasons why men leave women Posted 27 November 2008
The following should be interesting for women. I noticed some possible reasons why men usually leave women:

1. The woman became uninteresting. She is not interesting to him in both dialogue and relationship. A man will always look for a woman with whom it's a pleasure to talk. Certainly those who want a relation only for one night won't be assessing her IQ level :) But, if it comes to lasting relationship, he would like to date to reasonably clever women.

2.Incompatibility of two tempers

You (ladies) seem to be great, but, details small bring quarrels. You can't come to an agreement, nobody gives away. A man likes to be the leader. So the only solution here is to break up.

3. She stopped following her beauty. Yes, your look is an important key to your relationship. Your appearance is in your hands. Make fitness, keep your body young. Be beautiful

4. You (ladies) use men as a wallet. Men like to court ladies, they take girls to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, shops with pleasure. If a man feels he receives only sex from this and not love, sooner or later he will leave her.

5. She openly shows her desire to get married
It's a real issue for some couples. She is ready to get pregnant only for getting married. Ladies! If a man wants to get married, he will certainly tell you this. but, don't push!

6. She earns more than him
As I mentioned before, the man likes to be the leader. If she takes the financial situation under control, his feeling of the leader will disappear. It's a reason for breakup

7. Cheating. It's obvious that no true man will want to date further to a girl/woman who cheated on him

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Re: Most popular reasons why men leave women Posted 19 March 2010
HI ! guys its a really right some people are not live together some reason has comes like in some situation women are disappoint to men so they do in depression and this reason are not want to live together in in other cases lack of faith this also reason they don't want to live together . if you want some problem share with me so pl z dont do hesitate.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 6

Re: Most popular reasons why men leave women Posted 04 April 2010
I completely agree with the points explained by taluka, I want to add one more thing that according to Shakespeare "Man wants a vulgar virgin" so mostly men rejects that type of women who is also in relation with other men.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 15

Re: Most popular reasons why men leave women Posted 18 May 2010
Totally true. Please do absorb these points and make sure you will not make the same mistake. :)
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 55

Re: Most popular reasons why men leave women Posted 04 December 2010
You should probably add one reason: "Because they weren't planning on sticking around in the first place."

Then there's of course all the reasons women leave men. For whatever reason, lots of people don't stay together. So I'm not sure how much women - or for that matter men - can learn from such things. :)

Brett Tonaille
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