Basing on my experience, I would like to outpoint the main mistakes a guy usually makes within a relationship:
You shouldn't pretend you're a saint guy. You probably noticed that really beautiful women are not interested in "good guys". Certainly you did. Your look is not as significant as your inside power.
Don't try to convince her to love you
I have a news for you - YOU WILL NEVER MAKE A WOMAN BELIEVE YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE, UNLESS SHE FEELS THIS HERSELF. There is no place for logic here, just never do it. Men are ruled by their mind, while women by their feelings.
Don't try to buy her attention by expensive gifts etc.
It happened to you at least once when you took a girl/woman to various expensive restaurants, gave her expensive gifts, but, in the end, she left you. This refers to serious relations. I'm not talking about girls who squeeze men's pockets.
Don't allow your passion to be discovered too early
A beautiful woman receives a lot of attention from guys. So, be more original. Try to show your misinterest in her. She must first fall for you, and after that you are free to act.
Don't be too insistent
Many make this mistake. If a girl doesn't want to receive much attention from your part, don't push things. be patient and do it step by step, otherwise this attention will be spent in vain.