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How To Tell Who Likes You?

How to tell who likes you? Posted 24 November 2011
It is a very difficult question that lingers on peoples minds. Half of them wants to get to know them, date them, and become close to them. The other half of them is in fear of rejection. How do you tell who really likes you and who doesn't.

I've formed a few good tests to see:

Drop something while your next to the person you like and see if they pick it up for you. While this is unreliable, often when a person likes back they are more likely to pick it up. The reason of this is, if the person is not attracted to you then they shouldn't be paying to much attention to you and they wouldn't notice something as subtle as a dropping of a pencil or something else. If they are attracted they they will notice everything to the slightest sound and touch and they will pick it up.

Make them touch your hand. Try to give them something and if they purposely reach closer to you and touch your hand even when there are much easier ways to grab it. They take it and perhaps linger near your hand mabye a second or so longer than any other person would.

Laugh, usually if someone is attracted to you they will also laugh at the same thing even if they don't find it funny. This would be because they would want to show you how they are similar to you even if they aren't.
This also works with smiling, if you smile for no reason a person that is attracted would most likely smile to because they are happy that your happy.

Make lots of eye contact, if they keep eye contact for awhile then they might like you and if they take it away immediately they they might like you. On the other hand if they look at you like, "Hey, sup" instead of, "Hey...." then they probably don't like you. IF they look away immediately they might be nervous and if they stay for awhile they probably are more outgoing and are trying to show you, I LIKE YOU!

These are just a few pieces of advice, thanks for reading and I hope these helped
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: How to tell who likes you? Posted 27 December 2011
People here are very expressive and romantic at that and some might find it a challenge to determine who really likes you or who is just staying true to their Italian self being sweet and all that.

It really is a tough call and that just got me thinking now about how you could possibly rule things out. If you are unsure, you can ask them directly, but you might come of as too forward.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 4

Re: How to tell who likes you? Posted 02 March 2012
i have th same question idk
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 17

Re: How to tell who likes you? Posted 30 March 2012
your friend can tell you that who likes you .

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Re: How to tell who likes you? Posted 04 April 2012
I think It is very intuitive to tell who likes You, unless you're some genuine virgin guy that does not really understand the subtleties of romance.

I think It's about noticing gestures, signs that indicate your love radar that something is beginning to happen.
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