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How Do I Ask A Really Close Friend Out?

How do I ask a really close friend out? Posted 03 May 2008
This is my problem, I don't know how to ask a close friend out. I'm afraid of being rejected because it might ruin our relationship, yet I'm pretty sure she likes me a lot (everybody else says she won't reject me). And there's even a bigger problem, I have to ask her out by june 3rd. Could anybody please tell me what to say, what to do, anything! I really need HELP!
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Posted 03 May 2008
You could ask another friend to help ask him if he likes you

Val Phoenix
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Posted 03 May 2008
first...june 3rd..what's the rush, that is a whole month lol. about your friend..i can honestly say that i know exactly where you stand. i have this friend that i've been talking to for the last 3 years. i mean i got to know her so good that i know her inside and out. i am probably the person that knows her best. i would say that if you're craving to start a relaionship with your friend..ask yourself why? would you be willing to give up everything if you get rejected? you know that she won't think of you different, but things might chance. attraction always has a werid way of doing that to people. but are you willing to lose it all?

if not, they why the relationship?? yes she might make you feel how you want, but that is because she'll be there for you gf or not. that is one of the great things about a friend. they're there for you reguardless. if you feel that you want to start a relationship with her, i suggest that you hint at her. casually flirt with her and take notice of her reactions. that's the start of it all. raverboy
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Posted 04 May 2008
The best is to just ask her. Just say, "Hey i was wondering if you'd like to take our relationship past friendship." Or if you don't wanna be so obvious... Just ask if you can kiss her. Worked for me.

What I learned is that you don' tneed to be a gentlement, and you don't need to be Romeo, all you need is confidence.
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Posted 03 September 2008
If everybody around you tell she won't turn you don't, it must be so. Ask her for the date and do whatever needed for that.
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Posted 05 September 2008
you should know that there is no real friendship between a boy and a girl, so it must have happened earlier or later.
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Posted 09 September 2008
actually there is friendship between boys and girls, but this is a two-face friendship, a false one. The boy will have other intentions in his mind, and when the right moment comes, these intentions will get realized
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Posted 12 September 2008
I have a lot of he-friends. It is great, I even share easier my secrets with boyz than with girlz. Why not? Believe me, there is friendship between girz and boyz.
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Posted 17 September 2008
I talked about this topic with one of my she-friends. She said: boys become friends with girls, but, inside, they say "Just give it a try, suppose you'll succeed!" I think you know exactly what I'm talking about, guys.
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Posted 24 September 2008
yes CAI, I know, and I see you changed your opinion, that's good. You're becoming more realistic, good for you, and good for all the girls who realized it.
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Posted 28 September 2008
If you've been friends for a while already, it will make your future relationship even easier to handle, because you know each other so well
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