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Criteria For Choosing A Man

Criteria for choosing a man Posted 19 November 2008
The majority of men believe that, any woman wants a partner who's parts of the bodies are too prominent. It's a total confusion. Certainly women do like men with wide shoulders but, the most important thing for the ladies from all over the world is a shaped flexible "bot".
That is because they consider it looks very sexual and, beside, it's a sign that the man is strong to push his thigh during the act of love.

An advice for men: take it as rule to make every morning and evening about 30 squattings daily. In a couple of months, you will become super attractive!

Women like high and strong men

First, it has been stored genetically inside a woman since old times that a "big strong" man is a better hunter. Second, every year, the average height is growing. Over the last 50 years, the average age has increased by 3 inches.

Advice for men: You have to straighten your back. Do that by hanging a little bit on a crossbeam. It will help removing the stoop, which can "steal" from your height some inches.

Slim or fat?
Modern women choose neither a slim runner nor a sumo fighter. They want an average man. According to some researches, a pumped up body attracts only 15% of women, while 69% like to see a little nice belly at men.

Advice for men: Ig you are too slim, you should permanently consume calories and make a running stroll each morning for about 30 minutes. If you are fat, you should not eat after 8 pm (only tea or juice) and run each morning as well. In few months your weight will approach the ideal one

Hairiness and temper
About 7% of women like very haired men, 54% like average-haired men. 69% of ladies are standing the idea of a man to depilate his hair on the chest.

Advice for men: If the God gave you hairiness on your chest, leave it so, remember this is the sign of a "strong mamal"

Bold macho?
It is believed that hair falling is caused by a high generation of hormones in the body. But, don't be confused about it. Boldness is also caused by a row of other factors. So take care of your health and watch it, since your hair strongly depends on this.
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