Posted 05 June 2007
Elysium, i think that you brought up a good point where you interact with people of different ages to get a different feel of life. we tend to forget that and usually adults stick with adults and children stick with children. i work in a resturant where i am one of the younger servers, and i feel that it's really hard to sometimes relate on a level with my other workers. however the hostesses and bussers are more towards my age, and i feel that i get along with them better. what i am missing is that within the older community of my working place, i find that i learn a lot of different aspect about life in general and this and that sorta shit. it's a good feeling and i wouldn't want to give it up. being that i am also around younger people, it reminds me of you younger days, and lets to let loose sometimes. it also reminds me that sometimes i have to be the mature one and not drink till i'm all fuct up. both sides of the fence is good for development.
civic..being that you're in the same situation as the author of this thread, i tell you not to worry..because you're starting to sound like a girl..hahah j/k. but statutory rape..that is going a bit far. and when it comes to dying and what not, who dies first?? for all you know, i could date a grandmother and die tomorrow, and life still wouldn't matter. what i'm saying is that you should live life for the moment. fuck the past and fuck the future, because you'll never know when it will come, or for that matter, come to an end.
also billy and nomas..and the maturity level. this is very true in that when people turn to an age that is a milestone, 13, 18, forth, they feel that they have reached a new level of maturity. i remember when i was 13, i thought was such a bad ass..walking all tough and what not. when i looked back to that age, i was only a kid, however at 18, i thought i was ready for anything. college, work, more girls... bring it on. basically when you reach an age that you have looked up to for some time, you will naturally think that you're more mature and that you have learned a few new things to add to this world. especically when you can look back and actually see the dumb things in life, it will only add to your ego. these are all good pionts that i had to comment on. raverboy