Cruise Critic, 7 Soho Square,
London, WC1D 3QB
Dear Applicant,
We want to use this medium to inform you that vacancies are now on for the under-listed job. Do let us know if you have an interest in working in any of the areas in which The Spirit of Adventure Offers, from restaurant, Office-work, to child care:
*Au pair/Babysitting,
*First Engineer,
*2nd Engineer/mate,
*Stew work,
*Mate Engineer,
*First Mate,
*Chef Steward,
*Cook Steward,
*3rd Engineer/Mate
Job Salary: Depending on your roll of specialization, Salary Ranging from 3,500.00GBP - 7,500.00GBP. They are negotiable and we shall take care of your Accommodation, feeding and a month training on arrival.
If you are interested to work with us in any position, please kindly send your resume to our recruiter Mr. Fred
Coleman via e-mail immediately with your personal details including your roll of
Profession/Skill of Specialization. Or you can also contact him via phone at +447035967371.
Best regards
Cruise Critic