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Posting Contest For Travel Forum - Huge Monthly Prizes

Posting Contest for Travel Forum - Huge Monthly Prizes Posted 16 March 2011
Pyxism Team One is having a monthly forum posting contest in their travel forum. Each month the following prize will be issued:

One Complete Luggage Set


$50 Ebay Gift Certificate

A promo video on the contest can be seen below:

youtube. com/watch?v=p-pKhN4pVKk

Each month will be a new forum posting contest. If you didn't win in one month you have a chance in winning in another month. The contest will continue each month until the supply of luggage to give away runs out.

The first contest will begin on April 1, 2011.

The rules on the posting contest are defined in the forum.

Please visit the site for complete details and contest rules:

PyxismTeamOne. com

Good luck with the posting contest.

Pyxism Team One is an independent associate of Pyxism.
The contest is open to anyone and there are no entry fees.
You need to register in the forum in order to post messages on the forum.
Paris Forums Starter
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