A feature Length film to be directed by
Charis Orchard-Riottot
Filming commences in Paris late March 2007
Salary for Actors, per-day payment
We will contact you for auditions.
Please send photo and resumes to the attention of Charles,
Casting Breakdowns
Marc - 30's Artistic. He is very charming, cultured and charismatic.
Suzanne De Longevialle. - 60's, French, has made her way from poverty to wealthy in Paris
Alice Cohen- 40-50's American art gallery owner. Smart and sharp.
Alice's Assistant 20's Female
George Early fifties, happy, positive.
Jerome male 20-30s artist.
Ricardo male 20-30s artist
Katrin - Female 20-30s artist
Journalist male 30's smart.
Camille De Roquefeuille 50's French
Girl Female 18 French, flirtatious
Nurse Female 30's
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.