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Hotels In Paris

Hotels in Paris Posted 25 August 2005
I would like to take my adult son to Paris.
Can someone reccommed a nice hotel that is clean,
staff is helpful and in a pretty central location and near
Traveling Lady

Posted 25 August 2005
There are probably several hundred hotels within the 'core' of Paris which meet those criteria. No hotel in central Paris will be more than 550 meters from a Metro station. You might get more meaningfull recommendations and suggestions if you provided a price range per night for a hotel.....and any special interests or needs that you or your son might have? As an example, the RITZ (4-star deluxe) on Place Vendome and the HOTEL SAINT ANDRE des ARTS (1-star) on rue Saint Andre des Arts are each nice places and might suit. As a broad general rule, a Paris 2-star will run from 75-to-150 ���; a 3-star from 150--to-250 ��� per night and a 4-star and 4-star deluxe will run skyward from that. Time of year of travel is also a factor. If you want a hotel with air conditioning in high summer (not a bad idea) you may have to look at 3 and 4-star properties, since relatively few 2-stars offer this amenity.

Posted 07 September 2008
It depends on what hotel you are looking for. I can recommend a three star hotel, named "Eurostars Panorama Hotel". It engages the facilities of a 4 star hotel.
Address: 9 Rue des Messageries
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Posted 13 September 2008
Citadines Apart'hotel Bastille Nation is a 3 star hotel with the Reuilly Diderot Metro line available near it.
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 212

Posted 30 October 2008
Hotel Concorde la Fayette has a modern view, so your son will definitely like it.
3, Place du Général Kœnig
also, can check their webpage for booking a number
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Posted 06 June 2009
As a good Hotel to be recommended in Paris to travel with your adult son. I would suggest a boutique hotel located in th 20 th arrondissement called the mama shelter. The address is:109 de la rue de Bagnolet.

If You go there let me know what you think about it
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 18

Re: Hotels in Paris Posted 10 March 2010
I suggest to stay at the Gabriel Hotel in the Marais quarter :D
It's a famous design hotel in this quarter.
Try it :D
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Hotels in Paris Posted 16 March 2010
Hey !!!!

I just found a website where we can book design hotels. :D
I found it on google and it seems quite easy. it's paris-hotel-design

Rates are interesting I think. What do you think ? :crazy:
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 8

Re: Hotels in Paris Posted 17 May 2010
To have a good view on Paris, try Hotel Ermitage located in Montmartre. Rooms have exposed beams and flowered wallpaper.
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