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Your Nose!

Your nose! Posted 25 November 2008
It is believed that one's nose can characterize them as a personality. Mainly there are four categories of noses:

If you have a big nose you are considered to be talented, open-minded. These persons are born under the sign of "happy star"/

A turned-up nose is possessed by stubborn and very confident people. It's almost impossible to get used to such people. Their mood is permanently changing.

A eagle nose characterizes a proud and hot-tempered person. This individual is also arrogant. But don't be too critical.

The so called bulbous nose is the sign of a person who likes to spend life with pleasure and have a nice rest. A glass of wine is welcomed by these persons. This person is communicable and sociable.

The idea nose is the straight nose, since they are considered to be the luckiest. They are calm, rational, but a little nit slow

What is your nose like? :)
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Posted 27 March 2009
i didn't know what my nose look like. LOL!!! I don't believe with the meaning of these kind of nose.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 46

Posted 06 June 2009
I didn't know what my nose look like, i just check and i'm pretty happy to find out what it "corresponds " to.

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Posts: 18

Re: Your nose! Posted 11 March 2011
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Posts: 157

Re: Your nose! Posted 11 March 2011
Just guessing what kind of nose is mine.. May be not from all the above four categories.. raverboy
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 10

Re: Your nose! Posted 12 July 2011
big :D and did you know that your nose doesn't stop growing for your entire life! :D
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Posts: 18

Re: Your nose! Posted 10 August 2011

You are grate person for your communication . I am not able of your solution . but i say now you are understanding of your boyfriend .You see problem is solve .so don't tension .careful future.

-- 14 August 2011 --

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Posts: 18

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