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Your Job

Your Job Posted 09 September 2011
Have you ever thought that your job was something useless and stupid ?

I mean, some employers give their employees sometimes very useless tasks to do.

Sometimes i even saw some soooooooooo pathetic and useless internet sites that some companies were demanding.

It's so clear that some employees are really stupid to accept jobs like these. There are so many great jobs available out there, but hey some people are so desperate for their job that they really accept anything.

They get their paycheck, OK, fine, but they have a miserable existence, a very miserable one, far from any social recognition or prestige.

These employees are generally undertalented people, with low education, or even if they attended university, they couldn''t find something better.

Generally these employees commit suicide because their existence has no meaning. Too bad they didn"t find a respectable job.

Now, i'm a compassionate person, i want to tell to these people that there is always hope. Dry your tears and keep faith in your ability to find a greater postion in your life.

It's not forbidden to dream, if others can do it, you can do it too. Don't suicide. LMAO
Paris Forums Frequenter
Posts: 548

Re: Your Job Posted 10 September 2011
LOL i most definitely agree with you... some people's job suck... but they don't have much of a choice.

You're compassionate, it's good to hear this, you respect even the miserable, that's very nice from you.
Paris forums Member
Posts: 138

Re: Your Job Posted 10 September 2011
Wow... Loukas you're amazing....

Loukas why wouldn't you try to teach these people how to be better ?

I mean, if they don't have any ambition or self-respect, why wouldn't you try to teach them that they can.

Some people don't have the education that you have, so please ... teach. I'm sure you will find some pupils so that you can give a lesson to.

Some people definitely need some.
Paris Forums Visitor
Posts: 52

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