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Why Tri Color?

Why tri color? Posted 07 November 2005
Even disregarding the past 100 years of France . Why do you need the two outside colors of your flag?

French are cowards fo allowing others to make you a bigger joke to the world than necessary
Patrick Sweeney

Posted 07 November 2005
What are you talking about?
What joke?

Posted 13 September 2008
I think he was talking about the flag of USA and France, which share similar colors
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Posted 19 September 2008
so what? there are many other country flags that look similar. And why French are cowards? Don't you say that! Remember, Napoleon is always inside our hearts!
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Posted 28 September 2008
Didn't france exist even before America was found?
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Posted 04 October 2008
Don't worry fellows we (Russians) have the same color of our flag. White-pure
Blue-devotion and faith (Holy Christ)
Red- Blood which was pour in a name of Motherland
Newrussian town

Posted 14 October 2008
The white colour comes from the Bourbon dynasty and is associated with liberty, equality, and fraternity, the ideals of the French Revolution.
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