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Where To Find Informations About UK Visa?

where to find informations about UK visa? Posted 01 January 2011

i am new in here.. I am looking for an accurate information about UK visa on how to apply and obtain it. Me and my family are planning to tour on UK. I need specific information regarding it, specially from a filipino like me that needs UK visa to go in the country. If you have any experience and would help me a lot then that will be great. although i have read post and some information about my concern, still i am looking forward on your response. thanks a lot in advance.
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: where to find informations about UK visa? Posted 02 January 2011
hey icebox! i am new here as well but i have knowledge about your question. you can get an accurate information about UK VISA and UK IMMIGRATION information for immigrant from philippines. That is where i gained the knowledge and get my visa for UK travel.

i hope i helped you there and hit me back when you need more infos. good luck!

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Posts: 25

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