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What To Wear For The Post Middle Aged

What to wear for the post middle aged Posted 25 October 2005
In the US many, but not all, 60+ people dress differently than people who are younger. How is it in Paris? In planning what clothes to take next April I'd like to have an idea of what the middle-of-the-road Parisian older couple wear.
My husband and I are very casual at home, but make an effort to spruce up a bit when we go to San Francisco, New York, etc.

Posted 25 October 2005
I agree with Bonnie of "LovesChopin." In summer, there is no problem wearing running shoes and sneakers and casual dress. Tourists are everywhere and you just can't walk the many miles you WILL definitely walk while in Paris without comfortable shoes. If you have any problems with your feet, be sure you have the most comfortable shoes you own with you. I wear orthotics and must wear running shoes. My "dressy" shoes were black running shoes. As for other clothing, I would follow Bonnie's advice. Don't wear jeans, but do wear black and navy blue slacks with a few tops scarves and
jackets. Have an outer jacket for cold days. For men, the same is true (except for the scarves)--dark trousers and casual shirts (some Polo and some cotton long sleeved shirts). A sport coat and heavier jacket would also be appropriate for April. If you plan to dine at expensive restaurants or go to the opera, then you'll need one very dressy outfit. For woemen this could be a long skirt coupled with one of your tops and a scarf and some jewelry. For men, bring along a tie to wear with the long sleeved shirt and sport coat. There's agreat company called Travel smith (travelsmith.com) which sells wonderful clothes for traveling which don't wrinkle. They are, however, expensive.

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