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What Is The Best/cheapest Way To Get From Paris To London?

What is the best/cheapest way to get from Paris to London? Posted 23 December 2010
Hi All;

I know the Eurostar is the best way from London to Paris, but does it even go the other way (from Paris to London)? If not, how can you get from Paris to London fairly cheap?

Paris forums Member
Posts: 102

Re: What is the best/cheapest way to get from Paris to Londo Posted 28 December 2010
If you cannot get one of the cheap Eurostar tickets (50 euros one way?), then the next best option is probably EasyJet via Luton (around 80 euros for the flight plus another 20-30 euros getting to and from the airports).
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: What is the best/cheapest way to get from Paris to Londo Posted 13 January 2011
Eurolines bus. It goes from Galieni to Victoria. I think the price is about 35 quid, but the journey will take forever and be pretty uncomortable. My advice: With the change from 50 buy a strong bottle of something and try and sleep through it
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

Re: What is the best/cheapest way to get from Paris to London? Posted 01 March 2011
hi please also tell that way cheapest way to go paris because i have no visit there yet....
Paris Forums Starter
Posts: 2

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