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The World Is Not Enough-Bond Movie

The world is not enough-Bond Movie Posted 18 April 2016
After i discovered some irregularity on internet forums while a student in egypt cairo, let me be honest to the staff, i'm immature and may have became undesirable, as i continue to be authorized i came back to leave messages with what i hope to be interesting content. I am graduated in french law and i have been introduced to american and english law. As a kid, i have been directed to international school by some shady academy inspector, and now i understand written and talked english. My life has been about being a good student, now that i am in my situation it's about finding hobbies: and note taking has became some mind stimulating exercise i try to do daily after i read the newspapers (local, sometimes national and international) and my notes have became my way to keep a connection with the world at work, my notes will stay after my death along with some shady LATIN ESCRITURA. Pardon me but as some ex law student now living on social money the first thing that came on my mind was to ask for money and i have been digging in the financial system to see if there was a way through, targeting banking and money have been an exercise i have been poor at, opening a forex trading account only to witness my incapacity to make any winning results. I am now a happy loser, i have been philosophising on what is a man's goal in life only to witness days passing and the fulfilling experience of eternity. If i'm a psychiatry class thirtyish male society is revealing itself deep and dense of strangers. we are strangers to each others but i respect you. Younger i was not noticing the distance that mentally separated people in society, i was just being familiar, now i understand how an american national can be upset with a jordanian one. Jordan is a healthy country with a dynamic economy. Canal plus channel 4 has just been reboosting me on spying. I have been noticing some vatican agents everywhere in the city, ghostly neighborhoods where the population in the streets and in the buildings don't match. Maybe i'm only paranoid but the presence of agents in society is more than possible (to ensure it's stability for example). To come up with some material about paranoia i have been watching the code to the matrix videos where they reinforce paranoid theories.

I have been chatting with some french crew on epiknet only to see some exclusive mindset maybe because i'm only human, and the intelligence gathered only linked them to the graffitis... i live in a megaprison but i can still find activities to enjoy. i bought a synthetizer on which i can play piano... exclusiveness is frustrating.

The megaprison is comfortable, and secure and i don't feel lonely, they ensure security and care if needed.
i'm now thinking about writing a book on people who hear voices, i would like to travel and meet some patients with voices disorders to compile their experiences of this shady universe, it's a nice project that would need a few mails to get some support. i'm done with finding atlantis and becoming immortal. I have nothing to do today so i thought i could write down something. adding up to the american conspiracy in paris. Playing GTAV is nice but delusional, you can notice the illuminati buildings but there's no way in. Coolest illuminati game has been deus ex human revolution where you have to infiltrate corporations to stop some conspiracies, plus the soundtrack is amazing, i was interested in joining the move 'nuit debout' but my conspiracy mindset would be hard to accept for the many. i attended television mass... last saturday i've been out to the club, i had a good time but i'm not very attractive. My father is dead, he was hell of a whisky drinker and a recognized official law teacher. I have been drinking a few bottles of whisky to get rid of this violent stress (it works and it even works for toothpain). But i'm sober now. I miss the american dream of my youngess, it turns out to be the united states of conspiracy. Paris seems to be an interesting place for spying, with a lot of people organisations medias having a lot to hide. The music on youtube is awesome ( do you still say awesome in the usa? how would a french national know) i had american cable tv back in egypt but the french CSA seems to censor. i have movies on my trip to jordan... Hitman ( i am a poor assassin but i'm good at digging data or codex, i'm also a good data producer as i managed to create a fake cia diplomatic immunity document). Medias are amazing in affairs creativity, it's never over, and the latest panama papers is one more creative media genius show. what is a jordanian with an armani cap ? i would have liked to work in intelligence... with a suit a suitcase and a holster with colts. when the medias got alarming with paris bombings and the terrorism hunt, i switched off tv for two weeks, it was psychiatrically challenging. somehow, i am a terrorist class, with hell of an employer, you know ? i'd like to move to italy have some time in roma, spy the city a bit take notes and learn a few italian. I had a plan to get institutionalized in a psychiatric clinic in roma but i'm done playing with the generosity of doctors and nurses... i have a plan to go to live just next to geneva, my brother lives there and i have been living there too younger when i was "lycéen" . there is a riddle with the porn movies production... it seems the girls are like slaves maybe they have cultivated humans out of the traditional living spaces. most amazing post was the guy that wanted partners to invest in a list of middle eastern and central asian countries in a list of different business opportunities, it was mind blowing. on saturday night i've been meeting mazin, a lybian from amsterdam, we've been sharing cocaine and a few words on daesh. i'm disappointed with meetic or the french match.com, it's not very clear who is behind the site management. i have copies of french vogue magazine in my toilets, and i've been watching fashion tv on saturday night. I have bought myself some nike air max in marine blue, they're comfortable and fit with my ralph lauren navy cap. navy, in the navy, it looks like some are not exactly like sons of adam, or do not fit the brotherhood mindset that i cultivate watching french rap music on youtube. i've been reading bible and coran...
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